I just finished redirecting internet traffic to our new site, and it should be accessible throughout the world within the next 24 hours. The new site gives many advantages:
- A clean, modern layout
- Ability to subscribe to receive updates via email and RSS feeds using the tools in the right column.
- Pages are now categorized by subject as well as date.
- You can create a login for yourself on the site if you want to participate in discussions.
- You can now submit comments, which can show up on the site after approval. For now, you are not required to create a login, but I reserve the right to change that if it gets out of control.
- The site is fast and visible from all parts of the world including China.
- I can make further improvements in the future.
The move should be transparent to you if you have used the old address http://www.roughandreadytours.com. Links from search engines and other sites should also come straight to the right page. People who subscribed earlier to the RSS feed should automatically see to the new one. All of this was far more complicated than it looked, so please forgive me if I missed anything in the transition. Please report any problems to rnrblog@roughandreadytours.net.
Although you can continue using the old address, we encourage you to update your bookmarks and links to the new address http://rnrblog.roughandreadytours.net. This will give me the flexibility to make further changes in the future without disrupting you.
Happy reading!